Many users have a question, what is the function that a smart watch should have? This is a question that many large manufacturers such as HUAWEI and APPLE cannot answer. Today's article will make a brief analysis.

First, do watches need to be intelligent? The answer is yes. With the development of science and technology and people's quality of life, the intelligence of watches is the general trend. Watches have appeared in two extremes to this day. One is the infinitely low price, and the other is that the price has no upper limit. Users can browse the two watches with similar appearance on the social platform. The low price even costs only one meal. However, if the price is expensive, users may not be able to afford it for a year's salary. I have to admit that in the traditional watch industry, the original functions are being forgotten by consumers. It has become more of a decoration.

Second, how intelligent should watches be? For most consumers, watches are not as intelligent as possible. The difference between them in the eyes of users is that an LED screen replaces the quartz watch plate. Adding a little intelligent data, such as monitoring motion data and making phone calls. But in fact, many other functions for most users are useless. Such as 24-hour heart rate monitoring, etc.

The above is the way this article brings you to choose smart watches. I hope this article can provide some help when you choose smart watches.



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