How to beat the dead phone ban on US flights

Oversees airports with direct flights to the US have ramped up screening of electronic devices and will confiscate any devices that can't be turned on.

Transport officials said that additional screening would be taking place and that "powerless devices will not be permitted onboard the aircraft". That means that any phones or tablets with dodgy battery life could be confiscated if you turn up at security and they won't switch on.

"During the security examination, officers may also ask that owners power up some devices, including cell phones," an American Transportation Security Administration (TSA) statement explained .

Heathrow confirmed it was one of the oversees airports implementing the new security measures, adding that unpowered electronic devices would be confiscated.

Passengers who have devices taken off them can arrange to have them posted back, Heathrow said. All passengers are urged to bring chargers for any electronic devices so they can plug them in and prove they switch on.

Failing that, why not buy a new phone with the best battery life around? Here are our top five phones with amazing battery life to beat the new US flights ban on uncharged electronics:

At 17 hours and 30 minutes in our battery life test the Samsung Galaxy S5 is way out in front, with the Sony Xperia Z2 in second place on a very impressive 16 hours and 45 minutes.

The HTC One (m8) lasted 13 hours and 28 minutes in our tests while the LG G3 kept going for 13 hours and 12 minutes. Rounding up the top five is the Nokia Lumia 1320 at 13 hours and 22 minutes. As for Apple, the iPhone 5c lasted a paltry 11 hours and 19 minutes.

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